Gerast endursöluaðili hjá Despec

Umsókn um að gerast endursöluaðili hjá Despec á Íslandi.

* Skyldureitur

Upplýsingar um fyrirtækið þitt

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Samskiptaupplýsingar þínar *

Invoices and invoice corrections of Despec will be sent electronically to the invoice recipient. I/we know of the according legal requirements, auditing and documentation. Despec is released from any liability relating to electronic invoices.
Do you have a central e-mail address?
We would like to inform you about current offers, product launches or new exciting topics.

We would require your approval for this purpose. You can revoke your approval at any time.

We would like to get to know you better:

Information about your company
Amount of employees
Top 5 manufacturers
Description of your company
Sales focus
Where shall we send deliveries to predominantly?
How have we caught your attention

Terms and Conditions of Sale

You will find further information about processing your data in our data protection declaration.